personal data
artistic activity
- 2016 – “White Night”, personal exhibition, Villa Sofia, Sirtori, Italy
- 2015 – Group exhibition, Arte in Corso Gallery, Chiasso, Switzerland
- 2012 - "Mettere in luce - Elena Vijoli", personal exhibition at Mya Lurgo Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland
- "Lo stile incontra l'arte" - painted shoes exhibition in collaboration with Toma Style at MICAM fair, Milan, Italy
- "Portable paintings", personal exhibition at National Romanian Party organized by Romanian Consulate, Milan, Italy
- 2011 - "Portable Paintings", personal exhibition at Gabriele Cappelletti Gallery, Milan, Italy.
- 2010 - "Alien Garden", personal exhibition at Paolo Cappelletti Gallery, Milan, Italy
- Group exhibition, "A Brand New World. Infinite Visioni di Mondi Possibili" , Spazio Ligera, Milan, Italy
- Group exhibition, Gabriele Cappelletti Gallery, Milan, Italy
- 2009 - Participant to "The International Art Salon", Sibiu
- 2008 - Participant to "The Arts Lodge" - International Painting Exhibition, Sibiu
- 2007 - Participant to "The Winter Salon 2007-2008", Sibiu
- 2006-2007 - Personal painting exhibition (permanent) - Commercial Bank Gallery, Sibiu
- 2006 - Member of U.A.P.R. (Plastic Professionals Artists National Union from Romania)
- Participant to group exhibition "The Prestige of Authenticity", U.A.P.R. Alba-Iulia Galleries
- Participant to "The Winter Salon 2006-2007", Sibiu
- Restoration of the oil mural painting in Coltea Church (sec. XIX), Bucharest
- 2002-2003 - Restoration of the rood screen (tempera on wood) in Putna Monastery, sec. XVIII, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
- 2001 - Participant to scientific communication session "University Days" with the essay "Symbolic Significations and Philosophic Ideas in Gustav Klimt Art"; the essay was published in the same year in University Days Annual.
- Restoration of the fresco in The Orthodox Cathedral of Rm. Sarat, sec. XVIII.
- Restoration of the mural painting (tempera on wood) in The Wood Church, Radaseni, Suceava county, sec. XVII
- 1998-2006 - Participant to various group exhibitions with modern paintings in different techniques (classics as well as personal mixed techniques on various surfaces and supports), Byzantine paintings, paintings on glass and decorative art
- 1998 - Restoration of the fresco in The Sf. Treime Church, Fagaras, sec. XVIII
- 1997 - Participant to International Painting Exhibition in Aarschot, Belgium